A stocks and shares ISA allows you to invest up to £20,000 tax free in the 2024/25 tax year. If you're a first-time investor or just need a reminder of how ISAs work, these handy guides tell you everything you need to know...

Bear in mind the value of investments can go down as well as up. You could get back less than you invest.

Investment ISA guides

Stocks and shares ISA guide

Become an ISA expert with this useful overview - explaining how a stocks and shares ISA works, and why it could be worth investing.

How many ISAs can I have?

Already got an ISA? Want to know how many ISA types you can hold and pay into each tax year? This guide makes it all clear.

ISA transfer guide

Considering moving your old ISA savings to a new provider? Discover the ins and outs of ISA transfers in this guide.

Investing in funds

When you invest in a With Profits stocks and shares ISA, you're investing in the With Profits Fund. Find out how funds work in this handy guide.

With Profits Stocks and Shares ISA

Ready to discover Wesleyan's Stocks and Shares ISA? Invested in our flagship With Profits Fund, our ISA helps to reduce the impact of market volatility through a process called ‘smoothing’.