At Wesleyan Financial Services, we understand the unique challenges that running a GP surgery can bring. From loss of income to hiring locum doctors, our team of medical insurance consultants can help you establish the right level of cover for your practice.

Protect the financial future of your practice

GP surgery insurance

When you’re busy with patients, you may not be thinking about the risks your surgery faces day-to-day. From equipment breakdown to damage to vaccines, our team of medical insurance consultants can help you decide the right level of cover for you.

Partnership protection insurance

Have you ever thought about what would happen if a partner of your practice became critically ill or passed away? Partnership protection pays out a lump-sum benefit that will allow you to buy your partners’ share of the business if they’re no longer around.

Locum insurance

Finding cover for GPs and key staff can be expensive – especially if you need it long term. Locum insurance through Wesleyan’s Practice Protector Plus plan pays for replacement doctors, specialist nurses and pharmacists when you need them most.

Key person insurance

None of us like to think the worst will happen, but the critical illness or death of a key employee can significantly disrupt the running of your practice. Key person insurance provides a financial bridge between the loss and replacement of key employees.

Medical malpractice insurance

Providing care for your patients is rewarding, but it doesn’t come without risk. Medical malpractice insurance can protect you while you work, offering cover for clinical negligence, misuse of information and more.

A guide to surgery insurance

In this guide, we've outlined some key things to consider when it comes to getting insurance for your GP surgery - from understanding the conditions of your policy to the information you should be providing to your insurer.  

A guide to business protection for GPs

Being a GP partner can be rewarding, but it also comes with a lot of responsibility and some risks you may not be prepared for. From protecting your practice to protecting your partnership, learn more about the cover you might need in this guide.

Financial protection for doctors

Outside of your practice, you may want to secure your family finances too.

For example, if you're off work due to illness or injury, income protection can help safeguard your finances. Or if you were to pass away, mortgage protection pays off any outstanding balance on your family home.

Explore a range of flexible plans and see how you can mix and match policies to get the right level of cover for you.