Time for a top-up?
If you've not yet made the most of your £20,000 tax-free ISA allowance for 2024/25, you can top up your With Profits Stocks and Shares ISA quickly and easily online. You can add a lump sum of £500 or more at any time, or you can set monthly payments to maximise your allowance.
Bear in mind the value of investments and any income can go down as well as up, so you could get back less than you invest
Transferring in from another ISA
If you have an existing ISA with another provider, you can transfer all or part of your previous tax year contributions without affecting your ISA allowance. Current tax year contributions will count towards this limit. Watch our video to find out more.

Want to transfer your ISA to Wesleyan?
You’ll need to transfer at least £500. If it is a Lifetime ISA, you will need to transfer the full amount you've invested this tax year.
Even if you don't have a With Profits Stocks and Shares ISA yet, you can open one with a transfer. Just note in this case, the minimum transfer is £1,000.
Why continue to invest in your Stocks and Shares ISA?
Award-winning investment team
The With Profits Fund is managed by an award-winning team 'Investment Team of the Year' at the 2023 Insurance Asset Risk Awards.
Smoother returns in unsteady times
The With Profits fund aims to reduce the impact of market volatility by 'smoothing' the returns you receive. For a reminder on how smoothing works, please read the How Our With Profits Fund Works booklet.
Mutuality means no shareholders
Without the need to pay shareholders, our financial success can be shared with you. A mutual bonus has been applied to ISA holders in 2020, 2022 and 2024, boosting the cash-in values of our members' ISAs.
What you need to know before managing your ISA
When you top up online or by phone, you will not receive any investment advice or personal recommendation from us.
Before topping up, please check the important Information below and refamiliarise yourself with your policy document, which may have been updated since you last read it.
Management Charges
An ongoing Annual Management Charge (AMC) applies to all our Stocks and Shares ISAs. The charge you pay will depend on which version of the Stocks and Shares ISA you hold, and whether you are opted into the Ongoing Advice Service (OAS) provided by Wesleyan Financial Services.
Annual Management Charges (AMC)
v1 ISAs first opened on or before 30th December 2012
Annual Management Charge (AMC) with OAS - 1.5%
Annual Management Charge (AMC) without OAS - 1.0%
v8 and v9 ISAs first opened on or after 31st December 2012
Annual Management Charge (AMC) with OAS - 1.7%
Annual Management Charge (AMC) without OAS - 1.2%
Key documents
The Key Features Documents (KFDs), Plan Documents and terms and conditions for each type of ISA are provided below. The KFDs apply for investments made without taking advice. For a copy of an advised KFD, please just ask your Specialist Financial Adviser.
Key Features Document for v1 ISAs (PDF, 716KB)
Key Features Document for v8 ISAs (PDF, 1.7MB)
Key Features Document for v9 ISAs (PDF, 744KB)
Plan Document and terms and conditions for v1 and v8 ISAs (PDF, 766KB)
Plan Document and terms and conditions for v9 ISAs (PDF, 610KB)
ISAs and tax rules
Before topping up or transferring in to your Stocks and Shares ISA, please read the following information. This is based on current understanding of legislation and tax treatment, which can change in the future:
- You will have no personal Income Tax or Capital Gains tax to pay on income or growth within the With Profits Fund.
- For regular payments, the minimum monthly subscription is £50 per month. The minimum monthly increase for an existing regular payment is £10. For lump-sum payments, the minimum top up is £500.
- You can invest in a stocks and shares ISA, cash ISA, Innovative Finance ISA or a Lifetime ISA or combination of all four in the same tax year - subject to maximum investment limits (£20,000 overall, of which up to £4,000 can be invested into a Lifetime ISA in the 2024/25 tax year).
- You can change your mind about your top-up. Simply fill in the cancellation notice we send to you and return it to us within 30 days from the date you received it. If you cancel a top up, you may get back less than you paid in.
- If your spouse or civil partner died on or after 3 December 2014 you may be entitled to an additional ISA allowance called an Additional Permitted Subscription. Please speak to your Specialist Financial Adviser if this affects you.
Prefer to explore your investment options?
If you would like personal financial advice to help you make informed investment decisions, you can book an appointment with a Specialist Financial Adviser from Wesleyan Financial Services. You will receive expert investment advice, tailored to your circumstances.
Please note that advice charges may apply. We will not charge you until you have agreed the services you require and the associated costs. You can learn more about our charges here.