Health risk calculator

How at risk are you? We all like to think it won't happen to us. But here you can see the likelihood of illness, injury or death before your retirement age.

What are these calculations based on?

The calculator is based on historical data for subsets of the population and is therefore intended only as a rough guide. Data used to calculate the probability of each life event is as follows:

Being unable to work due to long-term sickness

These probabilities are based on IP11 income protection tables published by the Institute and Faculty of Actuaries.

Being diagnosed with a critical illness

These probabilities are based on the AC16 diagnosis rate tables for accelerated critical illness policies, published by the Institute and Faculty of Actuaries. It is important to note that accelerated critical illness policies provide a benefit payment on diagnosis of a critical illness as well as on death. As a result, they provide a slightly higher probability than if only a diagnosis of a critical illness was being considered.


The probabilities for dying are based on the 16 series mortality base tables for assured lives, published by the Institute and Faculty of Actuaries. These industry rates are based on the experience of people who own insurance policies.