Savings and investments
Investment calculator
Whether you have a single lump sum to invest or you want to build your pot month by month, our simple investment calculator can show your potential returns over time.
Cost of delay calculator
Did you know that investing sooner rather than later could mean it costs less to reach your goals? This calculator shows how much more you might need to pay, the longer you delay your investment.
Inflation effect calculator
Due to inflation, cash you hold today is likely to be worth less in the future than it is now. Use our inflation effect calculator to see the potential impact of inflation on your money.
Stocks and shares ISA calculator
See how much your investment might grow if you invest in a With Profits Stocks and Shares ISA. Our calculator can account for amount, length and growth rate of investment, to give you an estimate of how much return you could see.
Mortgage affordability calculator
Wondering how much you could afford to borrow for your home? Our mortgage affordability calculator will give you an indication of how much you could borrow based on your annual income.
Mortgage repayment calculator
Our mortgage repayment calculator provides an indication of how much your monthly payments could be based on your mortgage type, rate of interest, term length and the amount you’re borrowing.
Stamp Duty calculator
If you’re buying a home in England or Northern Ireland, you may be required to pay Stamp Duty Land Tax (SDLT). Use our free calculator to work out how much Stamp Duty you may need to pay.
Land and Buildings Transaction Tax calculator
Thinking about buying a residential property or piece of land in Scotland? Our free calculator helps you work out how much Land and Buildings Transaction Tax (LBTT) you may need to pay.
Land Transaction Tax calculator
If you’re buying a property over a certain price threshold in Wales, you may need to pay Land Transaction Tax (LTT). Work out how much this might be using our free calculator.
Health risk calculator
How at risk are you? Use our free health risk calculator to see the likelihood of illness, injury or death before your retirement age.

Looking for guidance?
Covering everything from tax planning to readying yourself for retirement, our range of financial planning guides gives you the insights that can prove helpful when it comes to handling your finances.